意游味津 Journey to Discover Italian Flavours 意大利艾米利亚 – 罗马涅大区美食 The Gastronomic Excellence of Emilia Romagna

Kindle eBook

在这片土地上,对于机动车的热情赋予了生活“红色”:法拉利赛事专用车和摩托车杜拉迪。还不仅仅如此!兰博基尼,玛莎拉蒂和莫里尼的制造地也是在这里。但艾米利亚罗马涅大区不仅仅是“汽车谷”,这里也拥有这出卓越的美酒美、烹饪和风景与文化。最有名的产品应属:马尔米加诺干酪DOP(帕玛森干酪),传统Balsamico醋DOP,贝其洛火腿DOP(CulatellodiZibelloDop),博洛尼亚Mortadella香肠IGP, 罗马涅烙饼IGP和汤汁香肠IGP.

Invited to contribute to this collection dedicated to the many Chinese who travel to Italy and are curious about our cuisine, I focused my contribution principally on dishes that have a common base in both the Chinese and Italian cuisines. Both kitchens make abundant use of vegetables that always accompany the cereals, the base of the meal: mainly rice in China, almost exclusively wheat in Italy, often transformed into pasta or bread. The recipes have been chosen from among the traditional regional dishes of Emilia Romagna. Some of these are born vegan, others are traditional recipes transformed for the needs of those who do not want to eat animal products. At the beginning of each recipe there are some brief notes on the history of the dish, which also show the transformations and adaptations that have been made to traditional recipes, adaptations that will allow Chinese readers (including those who, for religious or other reasons, have made the choice to be vegan) to try the flavours of the Emilia Romagna region using ingredients that are familiar and easily available to them. Enjoy your meal!